Freitag, Februar 21, 2003

how to make enemies 101

My views on Religion are known to any of you interested. I will now hammer a point that just about any reader will find offensive in some way. So if you have any desire to still agree with me you probably should stop reading now.

The LeTourneau Bubble is an intellectual eye sore to just about anyone. Most of us hate conforming to it. Frankly, the LeTourneau Bubble is just part of the much larger Christian Bubble. What characterizes both is simply Religion. Those on the inside don't think for themselves, they just do and believe whatever their pastor/professor/chaplain/peer tells them to. That is not a relationship with God, that is legalism. Living according to a set of rules or standards is exactly what Jesus criticized the pharisees for.

Of course most of my readers agree with me so far, since giving up the freedom of thought is always looked down upon by everyone, as nobody does it consciously. What I find as being an absolutely baffling phenomenon that is the epidemy of hypocrisy is the opposite side of the coin. Those people who go against the flow (which is incidentally the group that everybody thinks they are a part of) go to the other extreme. These people give up their individuality to conform to non-conformity. People who break rules or go against kosher, because they don't want to be part of the Bubble. Cussing because they can. Picking verbal fights with anyone that is so close-minded to not agree with them. Criticizing anything and everything to show how much more Christian or on-fire their lives are. [i realize how seemingly hypocritical that statement is, but I can deal with that for the sake of communicating my point] The Anti-Bubble is just as much of a Religion as the Bubble itself.

Christ was not about controversy. He was about Love and relationships with real people. If controversy came up He was not afraid of it, but He didn't go looking for it. He didn't pick up the Jewish rule book to see how many Laws he could break. He surrounded himself with children to Love them. He healed the sick and the lame. He passionately told parables to communicate the reality of a relationship with Almighty Jehovah.

"Whether you think I'm so confused
Or if you feel the way I do
So don't give in to this hate within."

- P.O.D.

He came to Love, not to fight.

Samstag, Februar 08, 2003

the plateau

"Religion is the plane in which individual realities are given up to join a common dictated reality." - Warwick Theosoph

We live in a world run by religion. Under this religion umbrella I include such things as atheism and evolution. Man inherent need to believe in something. It is a God-given instinct. Philosophers that try to separate themselves from faith in anything end up loosing their marbles and often committing suicide. We are made to believe, thus religion.

It is much easier for man to believe in a pre-established entity, and to let himself be told how to go about this thing called faith. In religion one must give up individuality and conform to a generic standard that we call righteousness. Though one may come to religion by ernestly seeking faith in a personal way, that intimate relationship with a Power greater than mankind is overshadowed if not completely erased by tradition and legalism.

I encourage you to not seek a spiritual identity in a group, but seek it in a personal and intimate God. Religion is a conformist box. A relationship with God is the freedom to be who you really are and to run wild with no boundaries.

Montag, Februar 03, 2003


"Mama said 'think before speaking'" - John Mayer

I realize that there are exceptions to my following statements, but as a whole, I believe these generalizations to be true. I believe that women tend to struggle with self-esteem, whereas men struggle with pride. This fact has a huge impact on the ways in which one must communicate with each gender. When a man is speaking to a woman, he must make her feel special. He must communicate to her through his words and actions that he wants to talk to her. He must communicate that she is important to him. He must communicate that conversation with her is enjoyable. Though a man may feel these same things when talking to another man, he does not need to communicate these facts to a man. A man does not necessarily need to feel special because odds are he thinks too highly of himself anyway. I feel very strongly that these are the fundamental reasons for which tact is extremely important when dealing with members of the opposite sex.

Samstag, Februar 01, 2003


"I just needed someone to talk to..." - Staind

Communication is the key to any relationship on this planet. It is useless to try to have a funcational friendship with anyone without communication. Some say that "eyes are the window to the soul", but what good is a window if everything outside is blurry. I would venture to say that having good communication is like having 20/20 vision.

I believe in being open about everything. I believe in telling someone how I really feel, even if this is negative and will not bring a smile to their face. There is such a thing as tact and timing. There are different ways of telling someone how one feels, i.e. the good way and the bad way. But being open allows for deep relationships. We live in a culture that tells us that we should keep our opinions to ourselves if they are going to hurt anybody, except in cases of a revolt or rebellion in mass numbers. The traditional american superficial friendship is caused by lack of verbalization of the tough issues. It's easy to talk about the weather and football. It's hard to talk about suicidal tendencies and parent-inflicted childhood traumas. Divorce and solitude are symptoms of lack of communication. Angry children and violent fathers are direct results of feelings kept inside. Unfaithful spouses and internet hermits are fruits of communication barriers.

We need to break these barricades. With open communication, conflicts are resolved quickly. Grudges are never even created. Distance in a relationship is avoided.

Save a relationship.

Speak your mind.